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Tuesday, October 25, 2016

The Runaway Predicted By the Mainstream Media

Have you been reading the mainstream media's coverage of the election?  If so, you know by now that Hillary Clinton is running away with the race.  It's going to be a landslide.  At least that is what the mainstream media wants you to believe.  But it's not true.  It's not even close to being true.

Here are the leads for the last week in the average of recent polls put together by Real Clear Politics.  They are in order starting with the oldest.

7.1 (one week ago)
5.0 (today)

If you add in the fact that there is a clearly bogus poll included in the mix (the ABC tracking poll that shows Hillary up by 12%) then the figures are even closer.  Without the phony ABC poll, the average of all the other recent polls shows Hillary up by 3.9%.

It's worth keeping in mind these figures.  It's also worth remembering that there are four national polls issued today that show the race either tied or with a 1% lead for one candidate or the other. 

I had to write this post because I just read the third article from a liberal media reporter today in which I saw a discussion about the "collapse" of the Trump campaign and how that will possibly bring in a Democrat majority into the House.  It still amazes me that these people write such silly articles.  I can't decide how many of these mainstream media reporters are just morons who don't understand what they are writing and how many are propagandists who are intentionally writing lies.  Either way, it doesn't say much for American media.

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