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Monday, January 20, 2020

A True Prostitute

Why do politicians think that the only way to win a race is to prostitute themselves to views that they really don't hold.

It happened again today when former mayor of New York Mike Bloomberg said that although impeachment is a bad thing, he would vote to convict President Trump if he were in the senate.  Just a month ago, Mike said he wouldn't vote for impeachment, and there's nothing new since then.  Apparently, in the Democrat primary, the polling that Mike was buying for his billions told him that he had to switch sides.

Not long ago, Elizabeth Warren was taking credit for a bill that she thought was popular on the campaign trail.  She just failed to mention that she had voted against that bill in the senate.

Old Joe Biden seems to switch sides on issues day by day.  He doesn't even do this intelligently.  After all, Joe said that in order to lower carbon emissions, he would issue regulations that would cost millions of jobs.  Biden was trying to get environmentalist votes and threw away the votes of workers in the process.

There are only three candidates I can think of who don't seem to change their views.  One is Tulsi Gabbard who has kept her views even when they have proven unpopular.  The second one is Bernie Sanders who remains the same angry old socialist that he has been for years.  I doubt Bernie will ever change his views.  The third, of course, is President Trump who has actually done what he promise he would do during the 2016 campaign.  Indeed, the Democrats and the media are so shocked by a president who has kept his promises that they label it unpresidential.

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