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Tuesday, January 14, 2020

Ooh, Ooh, Ooh Bombshell! Oh, Nevermind

I got a kick tonight to see the media excitement over the "new evidence" released by the House Judiciary Committee.  There's a letter from Giuliani to the new president of Ukraine.  Oh my God!!!!  there are some handwritten notes written by someone (we don't know who) that says get an investigation into Biden.  Oh my God!!


We've known since the whole Ukrainian phone call stuff began that Giuliani had contact with the new president of Ukraine.  I've heard Rudy say this in interviews.  There's nothing new about that.  Rudy's note to the president doesn't say what the subject of the meeting was to be.  It's no bombshell.

Well what about those handwritten notes?  Again, nothing new there.  We've known forever that there was a desire for Ukraine to investigate both the 2016 election and Biden.  It's in the transcript of the Trump call with Zelensky.

this whole bombshell is like the last 39 bombshells that the mainstream media has been pushing.  It has the initials BS but hat doesn't stand for bomb shell.

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