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Monday, January 6, 2020

Truly Bizarre Reactions

I understand that the Democrats hate Donald Trump.  That's a given in any consideration of essentially any item of national politics.  If Trump wants something, then the Dems reflexively don't want it.  If Trump does something, anything, it's bad or flawed according to the Dems.  We've had that for many years now.  Even so, I find the reaction of Democrats to the strike on General Soleimani and the aftermath totally bizarre.  It's almost as if the Democrats are rooting for Iran to beat the USA by killing more Americans (although I can't believe that even the Dems are that stupid/evil.)

Within the last 24 hours, Nancy Pelosi notified House Democrats that they would be voting this week on a War Powers Resolution to limit the President's ability to confront Iran.  Specifically, the resolution is to bar President Trump from taking any further action against Iran after 30 days absent any further action by Congress.

Think about that.  First, it is unlikely to pass through Congress.  There may be enough Democrats in the House to pass it, but it is likely to fail in the Senate (if they even vote on it.)  It's just a vehicle for show, a type of congressional photo-op.  But that is no excuse.

Second, think of the message that it sends to Iran.  America is divided.  The President may be willing to confront the Iranians, but if they hold out the Democrats will protect Iran.  The Ayatollah and his mullahs are surely willing to try to defeat Trump in November and then reap the reward of a compliant American/Democrat government.  But will they wait?  Will the Iranians see the Pelosi stunt as proof of deep American division that will prevent any real response to continued Iranian provocations.

Remember, the Iranians are prisoners of their own propaganda.  They have spent so many decades chanting death to America that they believe, at least in part, that they will be able to achieve that end.  Is the division heralded by Pelosi's stunt (and the avalanche of idiotic criticism by the various Democrats) proof that Iran should push forward with a response while watching the USA divisions prevent any response?

This is a life or death issue for American soldiers and civilians alike.  Over the years, Iran has killed hundreds of US soldiers in Iraq.  They are the most likely target of another Iranian provocation.  Remember, however, that Iran has also butchered tens of thousands of civilians from Buenos Aires to Baghdad and could easily do so again if it decides to proceed.

The force of the attack on Soleimani and the follow up to it works best if the Iranians give credence to President Trump's threats of further responses if they don't stop their attacks on Americans.  When the Democrats demonstrate to Iran that they need not concern themselves with Trump, the Dems make it much more likely that new attacks from Iran will ensue.  The Democrats know this.  Let me repeat that:  THE DEMOCRATS KNOW THAT THEIR ATTEMPTS TO UNDERMINE TRUMP'S ACTIONS IN CONFRONTING IRAN MAKE IT MUCH MORE LIKELY THAT IRAN WILL LAUNCH FURTHER ATTACKS THAT WILL KILL AMERICANS.

The truth is that a majority of Americans understand this last point.  They see the Democrats working hand in hand with the Iranians and against the interests of the USA.  Whether or not they like Trump, essentially all Americans agree that Iranian attacks that kill Americans are a truly bad thing that must be stopped.

I remain amazed that the Democrats are so wrapped up in their hatred of Trump that they are willing to put many American lives at risk just to prevent Trump from having a success.  These people are truly nuts.

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