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Saturday, January 25, 2020

No One Cares -- No One

I've written previously about the paltry ratings for the daily impeachment circus..err trial.. in the Senate.  The ratings started very low and have gotten lower.  To put it in context, each episode of the Jeopardy Champions show drew twice as many people in one hour as the impeachment charade drew during a whole day of broadcasting.

Today, we learned two additional bits of evidence that truly blows one away when it comes to just how little the public cares about this charade.  First, the Senate gallery has been half empty during the trial.  There are not very many seats in the gallery in the Senate chamber.  The senators have tickets which they can give to those wanting to attend.  For this "historic" trial, half the seats have been empty.  HALF!!!!  That means that there isn't even enough interest for people to want to see this in person.

The second item comes from David Axelrod, the Obama political guru.  He said on CNN yesterday that he had attended a focus group of about 40 strong Democrats in Chicago the previous day.  During the focus group the subject of impeachment wasn't even brought up until 80 minutes in the event.  In other words, the strong Democrats in Chicago didn't care much at all about impeachment. 
One does have to wonder just who it is who does care about the games being played by the Democrats.  Will November arrive with the Democrats having not a single achievement to point to other than a failed but never ending attempt at impeachment and removal?

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