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Monday, January 13, 2020

The Phony "Imminent" Kerfuffle

The media is in an uproar over whether or not the killing of general Soleimani was due to an "imminent" threat.  Due to some loose language, there is an apparent difference between the President and some in his administration over the imminence of further actions by the Iranians.  This is a silly debate; whether or not the threat was imminent doesn't matter.  This all boils down to claims by the Democrats that the President had to get authority from Congress before he acted here.  That is a bogus point.

Let's start with the FACT that Trump already had authority to attack terrorists in Iraq.

1.  After 9-11, Congress passed two authorizations for the use of military force.  The first authorized attacks on terrorists.  The second was specifically an authorization to go after terrorists in Iraq.

2.  These authorizations were used as a basis for the Iraq War.  When that war ended and Obama withdrew our troops, Congress did not repeal the authorization.  It is still on the books.

3.  When ISIS terrorists rose up in Syria and Iraq, president Obama moved US forces into both countries and attacked the ISIS terrorists.  He did not get any new congressional authorization.  Indeed, when questioned about the authority for fighting ISIS, Obama said (quite rightly) that the authorization to fight terrorists in Iraq was still in effect and formed the basis for American action in that country.

4.  General Suleimani was a terrorist.  Of that, there can be no doubt.  He was officially designated as a terrorist and the group he led, the Qods Force was designated a terrorist organization by the US government 13 years ago.  That designation was in place during the Bush, Obama and Trump presidencies.

5.  General Suliemani was attacked in Iraq.  That makes him a terrorist in Iraq, just the target that Congress had authorized in the existing authorization for the use of military force.

So, Trump already had authority to go after Soleimani under existing authorizations.

The nonsense argument about imminence makes no difference.  It's just a red herring from the media and the Democrats.  

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