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Saturday, January 11, 2020

The Left Has a Homer Simpson Moment

With things quieting down now with Iran, some one the left are blaming President Trump for everything that has happened.  As David Frum put it in The Atlantic, Trump "now owns" what happens with Iran.

As Homer Simpson would say, "D'oh".

Of course, Trump owns what happens with Iran.  He is the president.  He got handed an intolerable situation with Iran that was left by Obama and the Obamacrats.  Imagine making a deal with Iran that guaranteed the mullahs a nuclear weapon after ten years.  That's GUARANTEED, by agreement with the main world powers.  And imagine that all the time that those ten years were ticking by, the Iranians were holding rallies chanting "Death to America!"  That's exactly where President Trump found himself on taking office.  Oh, and let's add in that Obama gave Iran enough money to fund both nuclear weapons research and world terrorism.  That too is correct.

It's no surprise that Trump took steps to change the course of events in order to try to stop Iran from getting nukes.  After all, Trump may not get many votes in Los Angeles, but he still doesn't want to see it disappear under a nuclear fireball.  Trump withdrew from the failed and ridiculous JCPOA that gave Iran everything and the USA nothing.

What is amazing is that the left still clings to the fantasy that the JCPOA actually settled everything.  Just yesterday, John Kerry (who negotiated the JCPOA) actually said that Trump had ruined everything that he (Kerry) had built.  I hope so.  Kerry is such a moron that he actually thought that the deal he negotiated got something positive for the USA.  It didn't.

So, yes, it is true that whatever happens with Iran now belongs to Trump.  The President knows this.  The difference between President Trump and Obama, however, is that giving Trump ownership of a problem that needs a solution doesn't send him quaking into terminal dithering.  Obama didn't want to confront problems because he might get blamed if they didn't get resolved.  That's why for eight years he denied the existence of problems and had the media back him up.  Of course, the people still understood the truth for the most part.  That's how we got President Trump.  On Iran, Obama tried to paper over the problem in order to avoid dealing with it.  How else can you explain paying Iran over $150 billion just to sign a deal that gives Iran everything it wanted?  President Trump, however, tries to solve problems by taking them on. 

What I'm really saying is that it is no threat to Trump to say that he owns what happens now with Iran.  He knows that and accepts that.  It's the way a president is supposed to act.  Indeed, it is perhaps the essence of being president that what happens on your watch is your responsibility.

For the first year of the Trump presidency, the media kept lamenting that Trump was unpresidential -- unlike Obama.  In this essential part of being a president, however, Trump is very presidential.  Obama, on the other hand, was just a coward, afraid to accept the consequence of his own actions (or inaction.)

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