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Friday, January 3, 2020

Showing The Difference

The three top Democrats running for the presidential nomination have spoken on the subject of the killing of Iranian chief terrorist General Soleimani.  Old Joe Biden, Elizabeth Warren and Bernie Sanders all CONDEMNED the attack.  Really, they all said killing this man who was responsible for the deaths of literally thousands of Americans and tens or hundreds of thousands of others was a BAD move.  In one night, these Democrats demonstrated the big difference between President Trump and them, namely that Trump has the courage to do what needs to be done to protect America and its soldiers and other people. 

Think about it.  For decades, Soleimani and his organization have been designated as a terrorist group.  That includes being so designated during the entire Obama administration where Old Joe was vice president.  In Iraq alone, Soleimani and his people supplied weapons and assisted in attacks that killed over a thousand US servicemen and maimed many more.  Remember, the USA was not at war with Iran; Soleimani was providing Iranian assistance to the Sunni militants who we were opposing in the Iraq War.  Iran hates the Sunnis, but since they were fighting America, Iran through Soleimani gave them aid in order to kill US servicemen.  Soleimani also coordinated Iranian support for the murderous Assad regime in Syria all during that country's civil war.  In Syria, Iran not only sent weapons but also provided the troops that kept Assad from being toppled by his people.  In order to accomplish this, Soleimani adopted the program of indiscriminate killing of the Sunnis of Syria and the forcing of many others from their homes.  Under Soleimani's guidance about half a million people were slaughtered and millions were made homeless.

Then there's recent events in Iraq.  For the last six months, the Shiite militia controlled by Iran and Soleimani launched rocket attacks on over a dozen military bases where Americans were located.  The USA did not respond until about two weeks ago an attack killed an American contractor who was working on one of the bases and wounded 4 other people.  At that point, President Trump gave the go ahead for airstrikes that hit the Iranian sponsored militias in their bases in Iran.  The Iranian response was swift and right out of their old playbook.  Soleimani ordered a group of militia members to attack the US Embassy in Baghdad.  The militia hit the embassy and tried to burn it down with the diplomatic staff inside.  They were stopped by the marines on site.  The militia actually then stayed in the courtyard in front of the embassy until about another hundred or so marines arrived, at which point the militia fled.  It's worth noting that the militia painted a sign on the front of the embassy that reads, "Soleimani is our leader."  This brazen move confirmed what American intelligence had already determined, namely that Soleimani was behind this attack.

This is the point at which President Trump found himself yesterday when he greenlighted the attack on Soleimani.  We had a mass murderer, a terrorist, who had killed over a thousand Americans and who was still planning more such attacks.  We had a man who had been responsible for the deaths of half a million people in Syria and the homelessness of millions.  We had a man who was the embodiment of Iranian worldwide terrorism.  Old Joe Biden, Cherokee Liz Warren and Angry Bernie all say it was too risky to take this guy out.  Sure, the USA has unequaled power with our superb military forces.  Sure, the Iranians could not stand up to America in a war which would inevitably end with the end of the Islamic Republic and its theocratic rulers.  Sure, all civilized people recognize that getting rid of this terrorist leader would damage the Iranian terror machine in a great many ways.  But that doesn't matter to the Democrats.  They think America should be immobilized in the face of Iran.  After all, we didn't know how Iran would react to this.  The Ayatollah might decide that it is time for the Islamic Republic and his regime to commit suicide by starting an active war.  The Democrats want to go back to the days when Obama dithered and dithered and never took any action.  The USA should stand by as its citizens get murdered and its armed forces attacked, at least according to the Democrats.  President Trump, however, came to a different conclusion.  The President decided that his obligation was to protect American citizens and American interests.  He gave the order to take out Soleimani.

There is no doubt that Trump's move took the Iranians totally by surprise.  Remember, Soleimani was killed in an attack in Baghdad.  That's in Iraq not in Iran.  Iran's chief terrorist was in Baghdad to attend a memorial for the terrorists killed in the US retaliatory airstrikes on the Shiite militia camps.  The Iranians thought that the USA would never act.  Either they have gotten used to how we acted under Obama, or possibly, the Iranians got advice from their good friend John Kerry who has been advising them on how to outsmart the US under Trump.  They were either living in the past or listening to an idiot.

Right now, you can be sure that the Iranians are in a total panic about what to do next.  All their plans depend on knowing what they can do with no discernible reaction from America.  Those plans are now out the window.  The Ayatollah knows that his regime could go down quickly before a US determined to achieve that, and he also knows that President Trump wouldn't hesitate to do just that.  Trump has put fear back into the hearts of the Iranians.

The last 24 hours should guarantee that Trump will be re-elected.  Oh, there may be all sorts of events between now and November that will change things.  It shouldn't matter.  Americans want someone in the White House who is not afraid to make hard decisions.  We don't want someone who will cower in the Oval Office so afraid that any move might backfire that he or she just does nothing.

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