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Saturday, January 18, 2020

The True March of the Left To Totalitarianism

In the last decade, we've watched the Democrats move further and further left.  At one point, they switched from being Democrats into being Democratic Socialists.  Around the world, there really aren't many folks who both believe in democracy and socialism.  Maybe there are some who are there at the beginning, but in most places, once socialism steps into power, it uses everything it can to keep that power.  For a while, the socialists keep the trappings of democracy, but they are in total control.  Look at Venezuela.  Chavez got into power.  His party and his successor Maduro are still in power thanks to rigged elections and then military control.  Socialism has destroyed that country, but the socialist kleptocracy is still ruling there.  Look at all the Communist countries both now and in the past.  There is not a single one that recognized the will of the people they claimed to represent.  Public opinion didn't matter; there were no elections because the government in control "knew better".  In Western Europe, there was a watered down version of socialism that was put in place, and in some places there it coexisted with democracy.  These places with long histories of elections managed to hold onto the structure of democracy.

One would have thought that the Democrats in the USA would move much like the social democrats in Europe.  That seems, however, to be wrong.  The basic rights of individuals guaranteed by the Constitution don't seem to matter to them.  Take freedom of speech, one of the most important rights of each American.  To most Democrat politicians, freedom of speech is a right that can be trampled if it gets in the way of what they want.  Think of so-called "hate speech".  Basically, hate speech is saying something that the Democrats don't want you to say.   We all know how far the limits of controlling speech have been pushed and how much farther the Democrats want to go in that effort.  Freedom of religion is a right of equal importance to free speech under the Constitution.  But if Democrats don't like what your religion demands of you, they try to use their power to have you compelled to ignore that religion.  Many remember the Obama administration trying to force the nuns of The Little Sisters Of The Poor to supply abortion drugs to women while doing so would be a sin under the Catholic doctrine to which these women devote their lives.  The courts stopped that attack, but it is just one of the many attacks launched.  I would talk next about the right to bear arms, but there's no need.  Anyone who hasn't seen the Democrats attacks on that constitutionally guaranteed right is blind.

How about the right to vote?  That's certainly a basic tenet of democracy.  For years, the Democrats have been screaming about imaginary voter suppression.  The Democrats claim that they want everyone to vote.  There should be no restrictions.  Illegal aliens should vote.  There are over 50 counties in the USA where the number of registered voters is larger than the population of the country in the last census; each such county has a long history of Democrat control.  The Democrats have a long history of trying to get more of the people (alive or dead) that they think will support them into the polls to vote.  But that hasn't worked.  The White House and the Senate are not under Democrat control.  So now they are starting the next phase.  NBC News published an opinion piece from one of its people advocating for the latest plan of the left.  This time the votes of groups of voters are to be ignored on the basis that these votes are racist.  And what makes them racist?  According to the article, white voters in 2016 strongly supported Donald Trump who "ran a racist campaign".  That makes the votes of these white voters "irrational" and "racist" so that they should be disqualified.  Get that?  If voters choose someone who is not the Democrat, their votes are simply to be disqualified as "racist".

This is the kind of totalitarian nonsense that would mean the death of America.  "One person, one vote" would be transformed into "one person (so long as we approve of him or her), one vote (so long as he or she votes the way we think is correct.)"  The government controlled by the Democrats will decide who the people have selected without regard to the actual views of the people.

The presidential candidates of the Democrats need to come forward now and denounce this nonsensical view as unAmerican and downright dangerous.  Don't hold your breath waiting for that to happen, though.

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