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Wednesday, January 15, 2020

After a Year, What Do We Have

It has been a bit more than a year since the Democrats took control of the House.  It's worth taking a look back at the past year to see what they have accomplished.  Here's the list:

1.  Hearings regarding impeaching Trump
2.  Impeaching Trump without even alleging that he committed a crime.
3.  Holding up the articles of impeachment for no apparent reason
4.  Passing stop gap spending measures to keep the government funded.
5.  ?

This has been the Democrats going with all impeachment all the time.  As a result, they haven't accomplished anything.

Remember, the current "moderate" Democrats ran on the promise to do something about passing an infrastructure bill.  Not only didn't that happen, but they didn't try.

The same Democrats ran on fixing the healthcare system.  Here too, they did nothing and didn't even try to do anything.

These Democrats also said they would fix the broken immigration system.  Nothing done there.  No attempts to do anything made.

These Democrats said that they would stop President Trump from his "foreign adventures" (even though Trump has many fewer of those than Obama did.  Trump just had Soleimani killed -- properly so.  Democrats weren't able to stop that so that they could protect this mass murdering terrorist.

It has been a year.  NOTHING HAS BEEN ACCOMPLISHED FOR THE AMERICAN PEOPLE.  It seems that the House Democrats think that if they say something on MSNBC, it means that they achieved something.

It's time to get rid of this bunch of losers.

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