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Thursday, January 30, 2020

Here's a New One For Bernie

It's just a few days until the Iowa caucus, so we're getting all the last minute garbage that the Democrats are famous for.  Of course, this time they're using it against each other.

Today, interviews surfaced from the 1970s in which Bernie Sanders praised George Wallace.  For those who don't remember him, George Wallace was the Democrat governor of Alabama who ran for president in 1968 on the slogan "Segregation Forever".  Wallace was an unrepentant racist.  There was an attempt to assassinate him in 1972 that left Wallace confined to a wheel chair for the rest of his life.

It's hard to imagine that something Sanders said in an interview nearly 50 years ago could make much difference, but with today's cancel culture, it just might.

I wonder what's the next dirty trick coming from the Dems?

Will it leak that Warren used to be a man?
Will we hear that mayor Pete is actually only 22?
Has Joe Biden been diagnosed with Alzheimers?

Stay tuned.

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