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Tuesday, January 14, 2020

War On Warren or Sandbagging Sanders?

Today's big story among Democrats is whether or not Bernie Sanders told Elizabeth Warren in 2018 that a woman couldn't win the presidency in 2020.  Supposedly, Sanders said this at a private dinner held at Warren's home where Liz asked Bernie what he thought about the chances of a woman winning.  The Warren forces adamantly repeat that Bernie said a woman couldn't win.  The Sanders forces adamantly say that Bernie said no such thing. 

So who is telling the truth?  That's the question.

My vote is that Bernie is telling the truth.  Think about it.  Warren lied for years about being a Native American.  Warren lied about her Medicare for All plan; she put it forward and then when it got no support she pulled it back claiming that she never intended for it to be moved ahead.  Those are only two of the times that Warren has been caught in blatant and important lies.  Warren is a known liar.

Sanders is not always accurate, but there aren't instances that I can think of in which Bernie was just lying. 

Based upon history, any rational person would assume that Warren is making this all up.

Despite all this, the current outrage among the Bernie and Warren forces is going to leave a scar in the long term.  

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