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Sunday, January 19, 2020

A Truly Alarming Moment - The Virginia Rally

Tomorrow brings a very dangerous moment in Richmond.  The state government is in the process of passing some very restrictive anti-gun legislation.  As a result, there is a large rally planned for tomorrow in support of gun rights and the Second Amendment.  The rally is expected to draw tens or hundreds of thousands to the State Capitol grounds in Richmond.  These rallies are usually peaceful demonstrations of the commitment of those attending to their political views.  Depending on the size of the protest rally, they either influence the politicians or not.

The rally set for tomorrow in Richmond is setting up for a potential explosion.  First, there are some rather strange events that have happened.  Antifa in Virginia has said that they will be marching with the protesters in support of gun rights.  That's an odd alliance.  There are reports yesterday and today, though, that the Antifa group is planning to leave their black outfits home and instead come to the rally dressed as either military vets or Trump supports with MAGA hats and then to cause a riot which can be blamed on Trump.  That sounds far fetched if the group were anyone other than Antifa, but these crazies will do and have done about anything.  On top of this threat from Antifa, Virginia's racist governor Northam (you know the guy who famously dressed up in Ku Klux Klan robes and blackface for his med school yearbook) issued an emergency declaration banning any firearms from the State Capitol plaza where the demonstration is to be held.  It's hard to think of a more provocative action for the governor to take than to literally ban all guns from the Capitol Plaza when the group coming there is protesting the threat that the state will ban guns.  The governor has also arranged for the state police to be stationed at the rally with extra heavy weaponry in their arsenal.  If the Antifa group starts trouble, the state police may be tempted to use their arms to stop it.  It's not a formula for a peaceful assembly.

Hopefully, all this is nothing more than a false alarm.  If something happens, however, governor Northam really ought to be blamed and removed from office.

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