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Saturday, January 11, 2020

That's A Switch

In Iran today there were multiple demonstrations involving over ten thousand protesters who were denouncing the Iranian government's shooting down of a Ukrainian airliner over Tehran earlier this week.  The Iranian government at first denied any involvement with the killing of over 170 people on the airliner.  Then country after country announced that their intelligence concluded that Iran had used a missile to shoot down the plane.  Then video surfaced of the plane in the sky being hit by the missile.  Finally, the Iranians admitted that they had shot down the plane although they claimed it was an accident.  It's rather hard to imagine that the Iranians are so incompetent that they mistook a commercial flight for a valid target when there was no activity over Tehran or anywhere else in Iran by any foreign airforce.

In any event, thousands of protesters showed up in the streets.  They demanded the resignation of the Supreme Leader who had proudly explained that he had run the missile firings that evening at US bases in Iraq.  In Tehran, the protesters even chanted "Death to the Ayatollah".

So far, there's no word of any of the protesters being killed.  In the last three weeks, Iranian military killed over 1500 people who took part in previous Iranian anti-government protests.

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