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Sunday, April 26, 2020

Business Over Lives

In one of their customary tone-deaf positions, the meanstream media/Democrat collective is now pushing the idea that by reopening America what is actually happening is that Republicans are putting business profits over saving lives.  Wow is that wrong!

Right now, the Media/Dem collective wants everyone to believe that the only safe place is hiding at home and that any return towards normal will lead to a big spike in deaths from the corona virus.  Today, for example, Politico featured a long article about the "idiotic" move by Florida governor DeSantis to reopen the beaches in certain parts of the state.  To hear Politico tell it, DeSantis is just out so his friends can make a buck even if it costs thousands their lives due to illnesses caught in the petri dish that is the beach.  Clearly, the collective thinks that this attack will resonate with people currently too afraid to leave their homes no matter what they are told.

This attack fails when faced with actual facts. 

1.  Let's start with the idea that people are only safe at home.  That's just wrong.  Remember, something like 40% of the work force is still going to work each day outside their homes.  About half of the remainder are working from home.  So according to the collective, we should be seeing people in that 40% dropping like flies, but it isn't happening.  The deaths from the virus continue to be concentrated in nursing homes and places with large numbers of seniors.  The mortality rate for people under 50 is less than 0.1% and those who have died in that group are primarily people with other life threatening conditions.  Simply put, other than for high risk groups, people are not safer at home than out at work.

2.  Now let's add in the specific case of the Florida beaches.  A person sitting in the sun on a beach in the sunshine state is in the optimal environment for avoiding infection.  The investigation done by the best labs in the world show that the virus is killed on average in 1.5 minutes when exposed to direct sunlight.  That happens even more quickly if it is warmer and more humid (just like on the beach).  Sure, people on the beach could still transmit the virus by squeezing together but NOT if they keep a reasonable distance from others.  Meanwhile, if someone comes into a house with the virus, it can survive for a day all the while being contagious.  It's safer on the beach if common sense is used.

3.  Even with the new laws that have the government sending cash to keep people getting paid or getting increased unemployment benefits, there are still millions of folks who are now worrying how they are going to feed their families.  For some, that is a worry for today; they have no money.  For others, the worry is about next month or the month after that; it is a major worry though even if it is a few weeks off.  These people are not helped by staying at home in hiding.  They need to support their families.  And remember, nearly all these same people would be safe enough were they to venture back to work.

4.  Another way to look at this push to go back to work is that it is designed to give people under great stress some relief.  It lets people know that they will be able to pay their mortgages and feed their children into the future.  Reopening is not a victory for money-hungry big business.  It is a victory for the average American who can get back to actual life. 

My prediction is that the audience for the Media/Dem collective attack on reopening the country is rather small.  There are the true believers for the Dems; these folks will believe anything that they get told by the Dems.  Just think that these are the same folks who will tell you that Joe Biden would be a good president.  A semi-senile old guy who can't speak in simple sentences without forgetting where he is has been anointed by the Dems, and the true believers are hopping on board his band wagon.  And none of this even considers the believable allegations of rape against Biden by his former staffer or the corruption of Biden's son Hunter that Old Joe protected and abetted.  The folks who accept this guy will accept anything they get told by the collective.  In addition, there are the poorly informed who are just frightened of the potential of being hit with the virus.  These people too may believe the collective for now, but once the country reopens, they will see the attacks for the BS that they actually are.

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