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Friday, April 17, 2020

The Dems Explain Blocking Funds For Millions of Americans

The Democrats have blocked passage of further funding for the Paycheck Protection Program.  That's the federal program, passed unanimously three weeks ago, which keeps employees of small businesses getting paid and getting health insurance while also keeping the businesses themselves from going bankrupt.  The original 350 billion set aside for the program proved to be too little and the President asked for an additional 250 billion so that all small businesses and their millions of employees could be helped.  The Dems prevented this and now they've issued a statement giving their reasons for doing so.  Some of the reasons are vague to put it mildly.  The Dems ask for "further changes" to the Paycheck Protection program.  They don't say what these changes would be.  We can only be certain that the changes would delay the ability for the businesses to get money for many more weeks, thereby forcing many of them into bankruptcy.  It's intolerable that the Dems are playing with this now.

The Dems also want more money for testing and PPE, something that already has full funding by the federal government.  The Dems also want grants to the states, something that could be worked out quickly.  Then comes the really traditional Dem request.  Here's how Pelosi and Schumer put it in their statement; they want

the collection and publication of demographic data” [so that] “we can accurately determine the level of impact on under-served communities and communities of color.”

Get that?  In the middle of the pandemic, the Dems are holding up relief to millions so that they can set up a mechanism to collect racial and other data on test recipients, patients and the dead to see the impact on each "under-served" community.  They can't stop their endless focus on race long enough to help all Americans.

There's nothing wrong with looking at how the virus and the response to it have affected different communities.  It is not, however, a reason to delay help to millions of people and businesses.  Should thousands of families go hungry because they are waiting for the Dems to set up some method for determining how the response to the virus is treating minorities?  A great many of the people who are in dire need of help are the very minorities that the Dems claim to be wanting to protect.  They don't get to eat but at least they know that the Dems are going to keep track of how they are being affected.  It's the sort of total lack of common sense that the left seems always to display in times of crisis.  Instead of helping, they're doing studies to "prove" their theories that everything and everyone (other than them) is racist.

Everyone needs to call the office of their senators and congressmen today to leave the message that the Paycheck Protection Program has to be given the funds it needs, and that has to happen TODAY.  Just Google "contact ______" and use the name of your senator and congressman.  That will give you the phone number you need.  Tell them to stop the nonsense and pass the funding NOW.

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