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Tuesday, April 28, 2020

Hillary Endorses Old Joe Biden At On Line Town Hall -- Biden Falls Asleep

I'll take bizarre political moments for $800, Alex.

Today, Joe Biden held an online town hall with Hillary Clinton so that she could publicize her endorsement of his candidacy.  Joe spoke and then Hillary did.  While Hillary was speaking, Biden appeared to fall asleep.  He closed his eyes and sat there while she spoke for about 20 seconds, then he lurched a bit and opened his eyes.  We only have the online video, so we can't be certain that Biden dozed off; maybe he was just resting his eyes.  Of course, that does raise another question:  since Biden has been stuck at home for many weeks now, why is he so tired that he can't keep his eyes open?

I've listened to Hillary Clinton speak many times.  I can understand why someone listening to her could fall asleep or at least want to fall asleep.  Still, if Biden can't concentrate enough to stay awake during an event like this, just imagine him dozing off during meetings in the Oval Office.  Maybe he could nap during the State of the Union address.  It's truly bizarre.

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