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Saturday, April 18, 2020

The Spin Is Dizzying

You really have to hand it to the meanstream media and the Democrats; no matter what President Trump does, they KNOW it is wrong.  If the President learned how to walk on water, they would criticize him for putting lifeguards out of work.  They spin so much criticism towards Trump that they don't seem to have time to worry about consistency or accuracy.

Let's look at a good example from the past few days.  President Trump said he had the power to order the lifting of the restrictions that closed down the economy.  The media went crazy and so did many Democrats.  Surely, you saw the articles and statements about how Trump had claimed to be a king with absolute power.  We got pundits discussing the Tenth Amendment (which actually has nothing to do with the question).  There was massive hysteria from the media/Dem collective.  And remember, these were the same people who just a week or so earlier had been pushing for the President to order all states to shut down.  That means that two weeks ago, Trump had the power to control state economies, but this week he didn't -- at least according to the media/Dem collective.  After a day or so of telling us how Trump had no power, we got the new guidelines from the White House on reopening.  The President offered guidelines and also support for states, but he put the decision on when and how to proceed on the nation's governors.  That was it; the media/Dem collective sprang back into action.  Now they were hysterical because Trump didn't issue nationwide directives telling the governors what to do.  The man who the day before had no power -- or so we were told -- was now at fault for not exercising that same power.

And the facts also seem not to matter.  The media/Dem collective is now hung up on testing and how it is "inadequate" to allow for reopening.  Yesterday, nearly the entire briefing from the White House was devoted to explaining the status of testing in the USA and the level of supplies available.  They also explained the kinds of testing to be done and the methodology for deciding what tests would be needed and what other methods would provide warning if the virus were making a reappearance.  It was an amazing presentation that concluded with the scientists saying that the US has enough testing to move into the first phase of the reopening.  But it didn't matter.  The media/Dem collective just continued on discussing that there was inadequate testing.  Some actually repeated the idea that everyone in the USA needs to be tested before we can reopen the country.  That's not even close to correct.

I've decided that the media/Dem collective should adopt a new slogan:  "Intelligence is futile"

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