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Thursday, April 9, 2020

Model Behavior Doesn't Matter

For months, the media and the Dems have been lambasting President Trump because they claim he doesn't listen to science.  Even to this day, they often say that Trump's mentioning of hydroxychloroquine as a treatment for the corona virus is Trump ignoring science.  Hey, the FDA has approved the use of hydroxychloroquine off label to treat corona virus but the media still says that using that treatment is ignoring science.

Now, the media has decided to switch sides.  From the beginning of the epidemic, America policy has been reliant on the various models of the epidemic done by public health groups.  You know the story.  With no social distancing, there would have been over 2 million dead Americans from the virus according to the models.  Social distancing could reduce the death toll to 100,000 to 240,000 according to the models.  As a result, much of the American economy was shut down.  Trump listened to the scientists. 

Well now the numbers seem to be coming in lower than the projected minimum of 100,000.  That's wonderful news, but that's not how the media portrays it.  Nope, Trump shut down the economy, they say, and he should have known better that the models were wrong.  Yup, Trump should NOT have listened to the scientists, or so the media is now saying.

This simplistic and obnoxious view is beyond belief.  We still don't know what the final death toll will be, but the only thing that is certain is that no matter what President Trump does, the media will tell us that it was wrong.

When you hear this, just remember that the media who now criticizes Trump for listening to "incorrect" models is the same media that relies totally on global warming models that have all been scientifically shown to be wrong. 

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