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Sunday, April 5, 2020

Now I've Seen Everything

CNN seems to know no shame when it comes to telling lies.  There's a report today on CNN by someone named Samantha Vinograd which says that President Trump made the USA too reliant on China for the medicines and medical equipment that we need to fight the corona virus.  It's as if the last 20 years never happened.

For at least the last 20 years, American foreign policy as well as European foreign policy was to bring China into the world economy.  That would reduce tensions and make China more like Western democracies, or so it was believed.  China was admitted to the World Trade Organization and globalization was off and running.  More and more American factories and American jobs were moved to China and around the world.  When the USA recovered from the financial crisis of 2009, the main industrial beneficiary was China and not the US.  Obama presided over the loss of tens of thousands of factories.

Trump ran to counter this.  His big point has been to bring manufacturing of all sorts back to the USA.  Obama actually said that Trump would need a magic wand to do that, but Trump, in fact, did just that.  He has been pushing for the last three years all sorts of programs to get manufacturing out of China and back to the USA. 

So for CNN to blame Trump for our dependence on China is beyond stupid.  Anyone who knows the facts -- as CNN surely does -- knows the opposite is true.

So why does CNN print reports that run directly counter to the facts?  Why does CNN lie?  In the midst of a pandemic, why does CNN spread misinformation?

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