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Wednesday, April 22, 2020

What Matters More? Words or Actions?

In typical fashion, social media is in an uproar this morning because of the words the President used in a tweet.  President Trump said that he has ordered the navy to "shoot down and destroy" any Iranian boats that are harassing US naval forces.  This is very important.  For a long time, the Iranians have periodically sent small boats out into the Persian Gulf to harass passing US navy ships.  The Iranians speed across the bow of the navy ships and come very close to colliding.  It's like a massive game of chicken at sea.  When Obama was president, the navy was not allowed to take any action against the Iranians.  As you may recall, one small navy ship was actually captured by the Iranians and the crew was held for a few days.  Iran cut back on its harassment after Trump became president, but lately the mullahs have started acting up again.  Trump's tweet is a warning to Iran to stop.  The mullahs aren't going to want to see large numbers of their ships sunk by the navy.  It's just one more way that President Trump is trying to tame the Iranians.

So, given the importance of this tweet, what do you think is the focus of discussion on the internet?  The big deal is that Trump said that the boats should be shot down.  Ha, ha, ha; Trump said "shoot down" rather than "shoot".  On social media, the push from the left is that Trump doesn't know that ships don't fly.

Once again, the left focuses on what has been said, not on what is being done.  It's like the nonsense about calling the corona virus the Chinese Virus or the Wuhan Virus.  It had no effect on dealing with the problem, but the media went crazy over the use of that name.

In the real world, actions are what matter.  It's time that someone told that to the people on social media.

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