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Thursday, April 23, 2020

Nonsense Spreads Democrat/Media Style

This morning's news brings a big batch of nonsense from both Democrats and the media (which is basically the same thing.)

Alexandria Ocasio Cortez, the Socialist from New York City, made news by telling people who are out of work that they shouldn't go back once those jobs are available again.  Why work for 70 hours a week just to get by; that's her message.

It's funny to see AOC recommend to people that they NOT work.  She hasn't explained yet to this group how they will survive, but that's just a detail in the fantasy world of AOC.

Next, there are articles in the media that the new funding for the Payroll Protection Program won't be enough.  Another 300 billion dollars on top of the original 350 billion will be gone in a flash.  Why?  According to the media, it's because big companies like Ruth's Chris used up so much of the funds.

Of course, this claim is nonsense.  To date, we only know of something less than 100 million that went to bigger companies, and even that seems to have been in accordance with the law.  If we assume that the money that went to these companies was actually twice as much or 200 million dollars, then the money in the program would be reduced by 0.02%.  That would leave $649,800,000 instead of the total of $650,000,000.  It sounds good in the media to say that the big companies got the cash, but it is not even close to corret.

Third, the imaginary governor of Georgia, Stacey Abrams, announced that she is concerned that Joe Biden will pick a woman for VP but not a woman of color.  I've looked to see what the basis for her remarks are, but if she gave a reason, the media didn't pick it up.  That most likely means that Abrams is just concerned that she won't be the selection.  She's putting pressure on Biden because she knows that he folds in such situations.  We'll have to wait to see if it works.

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