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Saturday, April 18, 2020

Oh So Out of It -- The Joe Biden Story

It's really amazing how totally out of it Joe Biden is.  Here's a good example that shows that Biden doesn't know what is going on around him.

Yesterday, Biden tweeted that America needs to provide paid sick leave to those hit with the Corona virus.

Joe Biden
We’re in the middle of a global pandemic. No one feeling ill should have to choose between earning a paycheck or staying home to recover. We need to provide paid sick leave to everyone who needs it immediately.

Around a month ago, the Families First Coronavirus Response Act went into effect.  That law provides exactly what Biden is now saying we have to do.  Specifically, the month old act grants full sick leave for two weeks to workers quarantined or home with symptoms awaiting a diagnosis.  It also provides coverage for workers who have to stay home to care for someone quarantined with the virus or to care for a child whose school is closed due to the virus.

It's embarrassing that Biden would send a tweet calling for a new law when that law already exists.  Doesn't Biden pay attention to how the government is dealing with corona virus?  It sure seems not.  Further, since I doubt Biden actually wrote this tweet himself, don't his staff pay attention to the government response to the virus?

Biden is either clearly out of it or both he and his staff are.  It's a tragedy for the country that someone like Biden is one of our options for president.

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