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Friday, April 17, 2020

Wonder What It Really Was

China revised its number of cases of corona virus and the resulting deaths over night. It also released first quarter GDP numbers. There are about 200 more cases but over a thousand more deaths according to the Chinese. The GDP was down 6.5% but unemployment fell in March. Sure. We believe this nonsense. Don’t we?

I can see figures for cases being slightly adjusted after an audit, but missing a quarter of the deaths is nonsense. There have been stories out of China of crematoria working non stop to handle tens of thousands of deaths. Maybe they were right. After all if China is realizing that the world has discovered its virus lies, what better strategy than to show how carefully the numbers were kept than to discover a mistake and correct it. My guess is that the death toll in China is at least five times the latest figures

As for the GDP, China lies all the time. The latest figure is likely also phony. 

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