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Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Abbas, the man who cannot say yes

The peace talks between Israel and President Abbas of the Palestinian Authority are a joke. Abbas cannot agree to anything because he cannot deliver anything. Instead, Abbas is using the talks to try to wrest further concessions from Israel while giving up nothing himself. Indeed, ten months ago, Israel agreed to a temporary freeze on construction in areas that the palestinians call settlements. Some of these areas are just large jewish neighborhoods in Jerusalem that were controlled by Jordan in the years between 1948 and 1967. During that time, Jews were prohibited from even entering these neighborhoods and the city was divided. After Israel's victory in the Six Day's War, Israel reunited the city and opened its neighborhoods to all people. Many Jews moved into these neighborhoods. Now, the Palestinians want them to leave their homes and once again to bar Jews from living in these areas. The first step on this road is the settlement "freeze". No construction can take place in these neighborhoods.

It was obvious to anyone who watched Abbas and the Palestinians machinations that they were going to agree to go to the talks and then walk out when Israel refused to continue to bar constructions in these neighborhoods. In this way, they need not discuss settlement and they can blame Israel for the problems as well. For the Palestinians it was a win-win. So what is the headline in today's press?

"Middle East peace talks falter over question of Israeli settlements"

That is certainly no surprise. I only hope that the Israelis stick to their original agreement. They should not cave in to this ploy. they should not allow construction in these neighborhoods to be stopped. Struggling for peace is worth nearly any price. Struggling in an effort that cannot lead to peace is not worth two cents.

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