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Thursday, September 23, 2010

The Democrats do not care what is good for the country

Today the Democrats made it official: the wSenate will adjourn without voting on a bill to prevent any or all of the enormous tax increase slated for the end of this year. According to informed sources, the Democrats do not want to be accused of raising taxes on small businesses ahead of the election. So, instead of presenting their position honestly and having a vote on it which the American people can evaluate, the Democrats are lining things up to have the vote in Congress only after the election.

The problem with this deceitful strategy is that it leaves the entire country hanging with no decision. There has been no question for the last two years that a decision would be needed on what to do with regard to the tax increase. President Obama has pntificated about what should be done, and various Democrats have yammered on and on with their views. But here we are, at the end of the congressional year, and there is still not even a proposed bill to deal with the issue. For their part, the Republicans have been clear as to their preferences, but the Democrats control the agenda in congress and have not allowed anything to move forward. So this means that each person who is trying to plan for the next year still has no idea what the tax rates will be. If the decision is whether or not to buy a car, the amount of take home pay is up in the air. That means uncertainty and it also means fewer cars are sold. If the issue is whether or not a small business can afford to hire another worker, it is harder to decide since the tax rates again are unknown. Once again more indecision and fewer hires. Nearly every large economic decision will be affected by the new tax rates. So, by holding up on the decision yet again, the Democrats are causing higher unemployment, lower growth and a general problem for the economy.

these are people who claim repeatedly that they care about the average American. That is a lie. They care about being re-elected. After that, I doubt that they care about much. They should be ashamed of themselves.

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