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Tuesday, September 28, 2010

The Democrats Message

After nearly four years in control of congress and two years in control of the presidency, the Democrats message to the country ought to be one in which they point out their accomplishments and explain their program for the next two years. Instead, the almost universal message coming from the Democrats in this election cycle is this: the Republicans are worse than us. It is this message, more than anything else, that I believe is the cause of the very poor results that are indicated for the Democrats by the current polls. Indeed, if the polls are correct, it looks like a total rout of the Democrats in November.

The Democrats are not touting any of their successful accomplishments. Of course, since there are none, this is not a surprise. They pushed through the stimulus which was a failure. they pushed through an enormous budget which ran up debt but did not help the economy. they pushed through Obamacare on a dishonest basis and over the objections of the people, and now the expected insurance premium increases are hitting the people and the Democrats have nothing to say. They pushed through the Wall Street reform bill and have nothing to show for it. And through all of this period, they did nothing that actually brought down unemployment in any meaningful way.

The Democrats also cannot agree on their message. Are they for extending the Bush tax cuts for everyone or just for some? I do not know since they seem totally split on the subject. Do they have a plan to increase jobs and bring the economy back to life? The answer is no. The Democrats have stood by and taken shots at the GOP's Pledge to America, but the specific policies that the Democrats propose are nowhere articulated.

Surely the American people want something done to help improve the economy. Many recognize that any government action on that issue cannot work immediately and they would be willing to give policies that they think will be effective the benefit of the doubt. The folks do not want to just sit by and watch the economy collapse under the weight of the burdens that the Obamacrats have placed on it.

When Bush and the Republicans controlled the government, the Democrats were very good at working with their allies in the media to criticize what was being done. They did not propose alternatives for the most part, but the complained very loudly about what was being done. After they took control, the obamacrats seem at a loss for any productive policy to follow. Two years of wandering in the wilderness, however, seems to be enough for the American people. they now want to enter the promised land, or at least the land of specific promises. That is why I believe that the GOP Pledge will resonate with the people.

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