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Wednesday, September 29, 2010

I always though scum came to the top

The news from Florida's eighth congressional district (around Orlando) is good. That nasty and dishonest excuse for a congressman, Alan Grayson, is losing in his bid for re-election to Republican Dan Webster. Grayson, you may recall, is the Democrat who had his team edit a speech of Webster's so that he could change its meaning and run it on TV. Webster was speaking of Bible verses for husbands and said in essence, "Do not use 'wives should submit to their husbands.'" Grayson's ad changes that to an endorsement by Webster that wives should submit to their husbands. Fortunately, this dishonesty was picked up by the Orlando Sentinel and other local media. My guess is that a big chunk of the district now understands just what scum Grayson really is. In a victory for the entire country, this scum is sinking to the bottom.

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