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Friday, September 24, 2010

The Biggest Problem the Democrats have

I was thinking about why it is that there seems to be no coherent strategy coming from the Democrats with regard to the economy. Normally, prior to an election each party presents some sort of ideas on issues of national importance. Right now, there is no issue more important than the economy and yet, the Democrats seem particularly devoid of ideas. As I pondered this riddle, it hit me: the Democrats got essentially everything they wanted since Obama took power in January of 2009. We are living now in the economy that the Democrats chose. They wanted a stimulus package -- they got it. they wanted an enormous increase in the budget -- they got it. They wanted a burdensome new healthcare law -- they got it. They wanted new regulations on all financial institutions -- they got it. They wanted the nationalization of the automobile and student loan insdustries -- they got it. They wanted to stop offshore oil drilling -- they did it. They wanted to demonize big business -- they did it.

Oh, there are a few items that they did not achieve, but these are not items designed to help the economy in any way. As a result, we are living in the world that the Democrats designed. They did not allow any Republican input, so this mess is completely theirs. Right now, their only idea seems to be more of the same, and idea which everyone other than the most brain dead or the most partisan recognizes as idiocy.

It is really true that the Democrats have nothing to say. After telling us all for years how their economic plans would bring utopia, they got to put them in place and all the country got was a prolonged recession and a weak recovery.

The Democrats are like a wave that has spent all its strength on the shore. They have no ideas that will allow them to move forward. They will just recede back into the pool that they came from.

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