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Tuesday, October 5, 2010

The Dumbest pundit out there

I have written many timnes about Katrina Vanden Heuvel, perhaps the most arrogant and least intelligent pundit out there in the media. Katrina sees everything through the lens of progressivism, and anything that might interfere with her leftist world view is dismissed as racism, bigotry or a lie. Even so, I find it astonishing that she is now pushing the Democrats to run for the next month on Social Security. As Katrina herself puts it: "So it's stunningly bad politics and bad policy that at this moment -- with record poverty and economic inequality, and a shrinking middle-class -- Republicans and ConservaDems are looking to slash benefits under the guise of deficit reduction."

It's comical that this is Vanden Heuvel's focus. There are no Republicans or conservative Democrats pushing for a reduction in Social Security benefits. Her statement is just a big lie. Indeed, all katrina wants to do is lie to seniors so that they will vote out of fear and ignorance for Democrats. I guess when you have no ideas that can win in a real debate, the best thing to do is to make up an unpopular lie that you can run against. Certainly, this tactic is not unique to Katrina. Obama has been doing this for his whole presidency. Obama never runs against republican ideas. He always lies by saying that Republicans offer no ideas, and then he claims something must be done. In this way, he never has to defend the merits of his ideas; he can stick with the speaking about the existence of the problem.

Still, even though Obama is a master of this tactic, Katrina has brought it down to a new low. She is pushing for democrats to scare tens of millions of fearful seniors into thinking that their livelihoods are at risk. Shame on her. Shame on any democrat who accepts her advice. I know that as a progressive, Katrina is unfamiliar with the concept of shame. She truly needs to be taught that concept.

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