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Sunday, April 1, 2012

Obama's prescription for economic decay

For most of the last century, the USA has manufactured more products than any other country. Manufacturing made America great. It provided good jobs for those without the highest educational levels. It lifted millions into a middle class existence. It basically funded the success of the USA. At the moment, however, president Obama is consistently taking steps to kill the manufacturing segment of the economy.

Let's start with a key fact: If the same product can be built in two different countries, it will be built in the one where production costs less. That is not arguable; it is a fact of life. What that means, is that any steps taken by the government which raise the cost of manufacturing results in a reduction of manufacturing and the jobs that are produced.

So, what has Obama done? Probably the worst thing from Obama is that he had raised the cost of energy in the USA. The price rise is not minor; Obama has managed to bring to pass his promise in 2008 that energy prices would "necessarily soar". I have written many times how Obama has managed to reduce oil supplies so as to drive the price of fuel up. I have also written about how Obama has threatened to stop hydorfracking, the breakthrough which has allowed natural gas to avoid the energy price rise. Obama's latest, however, involves his attack on energy from coal. Here is how the Washington Times describes it: "The Obama administration's proposal last week to put the first limits on greenhouse gases from new power plants probably will mean that no new coal-fired U.S. plants will be built after this year."

This is pretty shocking stuff. Right now over forty percent of all electricity in the USA comes from coal, but Obama is going to prevent construction of any further coal power plants. Instead, Obama is pushing for wind and solar plants that are unreliable and which produce power at a cost which is a multiple of that produced from the coal plant.

Another term for Obama will be the death knell of the American economy.

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