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Monday, October 6, 2014

Obama Comes To Town -- Malloy Hides

President Obama is coming to my neck of the woods tomorrow.  He will be at a big fund raiser in Greenwich, Connecticut.  The main Democrat running statewide is not going to show up for the event, however.  Governor Malloy has a scheduling conflict, or so he says.  He is more than willing to use funds raised by Obama from the mega-millionaires at the event, but he just cannot get away.  Perhaps he had a previously scheduled appointment for a haircut.

In many ways, it is funny to see Dan Malloy run away from Obama.  Connecticut is one of the few states where Obama still has higher approval numbers than disapproval.  Malloy, on the other hand, has an approval rating of only 40% across the state.  (Hmm....maybe Obama asked Malloy to stay away so as not to bring down Obama's numbers.)

The idea that an incumbent Democrat governor in Connecticut is running so poorly is something new in recent years.  Oh, there have been Republican governors as well as independents in the office.  But incumbents in Connecticut almost always win re-election, and incumbent Democrats do even better.  Indeed, I cannot remember the last time that an incumbent Democrat lost an election for a major race in this state.

Malloy ran four years ago on the promise that he would not raise taxes.  Within a year of taking office, he pushed through one of the larges tax increases in state history.  Despite the big tax increase, Malloy pushed spending up so high that there is now a huge budget deficit that will require another Malloy tax increase right after the election.  And on top of that, the economy in Connecticut is doing poorly compared to all of our neighbors.  No wonder he is likely to lose.

I hope the traffic doesn't get too snarled tomorrow.  When the first George Bush was president, he came to town a few times.  It seemed that they closed half the roads around here.  Maybe Malloy is staying away because the traffic will be so bad.


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