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Tuesday, January 17, 2017

And This Surprises Them?

The Washington Post has an article today discussing the fear of some Republican national security people from prior administrations who fear that they are being frozen out of the incoming Trump administration because they are on an "enemies list".  The WaPo uses the term "enemies list" because it harkens back to the one kept by Richard Nixon, always a symbol of unreasonable behavior for the WaPo.  But here's the thing:  the national security "experts" in question all signed a letter opposing Trump's election during the campaign.  These are people who said that Trump as president would be "a danger to the nation".  They also said that they would vote for Hillary Clinton.  In other words, these "experts" have only themselves to blame if they are frozen out of the White House.

Think about it.  Washington is famous for having people in various positions do things that thwarts the plans of the president.  One of the most important parts of filling high government positions is to avoid those who will refuse to follow policy set by the president.  The government needs to function as a team and not as a constant internal struggle.  Trump and his staff already know the views of these Republican "experts".  It's not that they differ slightly from the president; they actively campaigned against him and called his taking office "a danger to the nation".  It would make no sense at all for any of them to be appointed to office.  John Kerry, the moronic Secretary of State under president Obama surely must think of himself as a foreign policy expert, but would it make sense for Trump to retain him in office?  Of course not.  Kerry opposes nearly every important thing that Trump wants to accomplish.  These so called Republican "experts" are not much different from Kerry in this regard.

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