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Friday, January 27, 2017

Joe Wilson and Corey Booker

In 2009, the media and the Democrats went crazy because representative Joe Wilson of South Carolina shouted "you lie" during a speech by then president Obama.  Obama was indeed not telling the truth at that moment as he discussed what the Obamacare plan would and would not do.  Indeed, nearly every American alive now understands that Obama sold his healthcare law on lies.  "If you like your plan......" etc.  Wilson, however, was censured by the House and later apologized.

Just today, senator Corey Booker of New Jersey said that President Trump is a liar and a propagandist.  The response from the media and the Democrats was -- you guessed it -- either cheers or nothing at all.  Booker just put out his BS and his allies just yawned.

I don't care what Corey Booker has to say.  He's running for president already for 2020, so he is trying to get news coverage.  Booker wants to be the next Obama.  Still, the New Jersey senator has some rather high hurdles before he can even come close to considering a run for the White House.  It won't be enough to be Mr. Nasty or Mr. Strident.  Booker will have to come up with some ideas that might appeal to his party and the American people.  For Booker, that's a tall order.  The reality is that Booker's statements don't matter.  What does matter though is the hypocrisy of the media and the rest of the Democrats.  Either it is a major breach of etiquette to call the president a liar or it isn't.  The result cannot be driven by the party of the incumbent.  It just doesn't work that way.

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