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Thursday, January 26, 2017

Something You Don't See Every Day

Here's one more important point about President Trump's executive orders regarding illegal immigration:  for the first time in a long time, the federal government is going to focus on those who hire illegal aliens.  In other words, the existing penalties for hiring those here illegally are actually going to be enforced.  At least, that is what the order directs.

Just imagine what will happen if two months from now, a large construction contractor in California is arrested and charged with violating the RICO statute.  Maybe the contractor won't be arrested, but will just be sued by the government for fines for each illegal in his company's employ.  Then imagine it happens to a landscape company in Florida, a large farmer in New Jersey and a few others scattered around the USA.  Is there any doubt that quite a few employers who have been improperly and illegally hiring illegals would stop doing so?  There would suddenly be a cost imposed on those who hire illegals.  There's nothing like the risk of criminal prosecution to reduce the prevalence of this behavior.  And if there were fewer illegals being hired, how many new jobs would open up for Americans who are currently unable to find work?

There is a reason why the law makes it a crime to hire an illegal alien.  Just because the Obama administration decided not to enforce that law doesn't change the fact that the law is there and the law is clear.  President Trump is going to have the law enforced.  America will benefit greatly as a result.

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