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Sunday, January 29, 2017

The Single Most Dishonest Moment Yet

Senator Chuck Schumer went before the microphones today to denounce the new temporary ban on admissions to the USA from a few countries with very high levels of terrorist activity.  According to reports, Schumer was so emotional about the ban that he cried.  What a sham.  What dishonesty!

There is no way that Schumer's emotions were real.  This is a man who would say or do anything if it would get him a few extra votes.  He is the ultimate hard heart.  Schumer is so obsessed with self promotion that there's an old joke that makes the rounds in Washington that the most dangerous place in the world is the space between Chuck Schumer and a TV camera.  There's just no way Schumer's supposed tears are real.

It's not hard to imagine that the Democrats would try this scam.  Still, one would assume that the Democrats would have picked someone a bit more sympathetic than Schumer for the role emoter in chief.  It couldn't be Nancy Pelosi because her face is frozen in a permanent smile from all that Botox, but there has to be someone who could have done it. 

Let me put it this way, Schumer crying is about as believable as President Trump making a statement about the virtues of modesty.  It just doesn't play.

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