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Monday, January 16, 2017

Compare and Contrast -- New York Times Version

I saw the headlines on the front page of the print version of the New York Times this morning.  In big letters at the top of the paper, I was told two things:  1. reading "nourished" president Obama during his term in office; and 2. blacks see the tweets of President Elect Trump as threats aimed at them.  In other words, it was just a typical front page for the Times these days; it says that Democrats are learned and smart while Republicans, especially Trump, are racist.

The sad thing is that many people still consider the Times to be the "paper of record".  It earned that title back in the days when it actually practiced journalism.  It used to cover all manner of news with as little bias as possible.  It tried to be fair, not partisan.  Now, the Times is all liberal narrative all the time.

It's unfortunate for the American people that there are now so few news outlets that provide actual news rather than a slanted batch of propaganda.  For me, probably the best news source actually comes on TV; it's Special Report on Fox News.  I realize that many on the left refuse to even watch Fox News, but I suggest that they give Special Report a try.  It has a final 20 minutes of a one-hour show that is a panel discussion which is intelligent commentary, but it's clear that this is opinion.  Unlike many other news sources, they don't pretend that their commentary is just news reporting.  The first 40 minutes of the show, however, provides real unbiased news.  It's like the Fox News slogan:  fair and balanced.

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