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Sunday, September 24, 2017

It Never Fails; It Was Racist

At a rally for senator Luther Strange on Friday, President Trump called out the NFL players who have been refusing to stand during the playing of The Star Spangled Banner.  It was controversial, and it had led to a furious countercharge by the left.  Predictably, we are now hearing that Trump's statement was "blatantly racist".  I decided to read the article by David Remnick in The New Yorker which centers on that charge to learn why Trump's attack was racist.

Here's the inside story according to Remnick.  Trump, in talking to the crowd at the rally, asked if "people like yourselves" agreed with him.  Even clearer, Trump called an unnamed player who took a knee during the anthem a "son of a bitch".  What could possibly be more racist?  Remnick says that these are not dog whistles heard only by other racists, but that they are explicit racism understandable by all.

The reality, of course, is nothing like what Remnick says.  Calling someone a "son of a bitch" may not be nice, but it is hardly racist.  I think we all know that; I mean all of us, other than Remnick, know that.  And if asking a rhetorical question of a crowd there's nothing wrong with asking about "people like yourselves".  Trump didn't know who was in the crowd other than that they were his supporters.  That's a political grouping, not a racial one.

So why is it that a leftist like Remnick has to go back to phony charges of racism in response to Trump?  The reality is that attacking Trump like that is all they have.  The players in question are beneficiaries of all that America has to offer.  Many make tens of millions of dollars.  They don't take their huge incomes and devote them to helping others.  Instead, they attack and disrespect the country that gives them their success.  That does not resonate, indeed it cannot resonate with the average American be that person white or black or something else.  It's just more phony symbolism without action.  So when Trump refuses to stay silent in the face of the affront, people like Remnick have to find something to say in response.  They go back to the old chestnut of calling opponents racist.

I had thought that with Obama out of the White House, we might return to a day when charges of racism were reserved for people who are actually racist or displaying racist behavior.  Sadly, Remnick shows that not to be the case.

I don't know if it is a good thing that the President criticized the NFL players in this instance.  I do know, however, that the criticism is not remotely racist.  Personally, I think Remnick is a son of a bitch for making the claim (and by the way, that is not meant to be racist.)

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