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Friday, September 15, 2017

What A Difference A President Makes

The State Department announced yesterday that the Trump administration supports passage of the Taylor Force Act.  For those of you who have never heard of this bill, it provides that the USA will not give foreign aid to governments that reward terrorists or their families for their actions.  Specifically, the Taylor Force Act would cut off much of the aid given to the Palestinian Authority unless it stops paying monthly pensions to terrorists and their families.

Taylor Force was an American graduate of West Point who was killed by a Palestinian terrorist while visiting Israel.  His family was outraged that the Palestinian Authority was rewarding Taylor's murderer and his family with a pension.  As a result, the Taylor Force Act was introduced into Congress some years ago.  President Obama opposed passage of the act, so it never moved forward.  Obama thought that having the Palestinian Authority reward terrorists who killed Americans was just something that the USA had to accept.  Fortunately, President Trump disagrees.  America will no longer give money to the Palestinians which they can then use to pay rewards to terrorists who kill Americans.

Hopefully, support from the White House will lead to the quick passage of the Taylor Force Act. 

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