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Monday, September 4, 2017

Too Bad For The Media

The mainstream media has decided that the latest way to attack President Trump is to talk about "rising gasoline prices."  Hurricane Harvey forced the closure of a large chunk of the nation's oil refineries, and as a result, gas prices have jumped much higher.  For example, in Connecticut, the price at the pump is 24 cents higher per gallon today than last week.  The media is hoping that these higher prices will turn Americans against the President.  It's a rather dim view of most Americans to think that they would hold a natural disaster against the President, but the articles keep coming.  Just today, I read an article in The Hill that "explained" what a big threat to the President higher gas prices represented. 

I point this out because most of the refineries are now up and running or will be running in the next day or so.  As a result, the wholesale price of gasoline has started dropping.  It's already down almost halfway back to where it was prior to the storm.  In another few weeks, we ought to see the price back to where it started. 

My guess is that the mainstream media is quite upset at this outcome.

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