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Thursday, September 28, 2017

TimeTo Get A Grip On Reality

In today's New York Post, there is an article explaining how a North Korean nuclear test over the Pacific Ocean could be "catastrophic".  It's just another article written by a reporter who has no idea of reality.

Okay, let me stop here for a moment.  I am not saying that a nuclear test in the atmosphere over the ocean is a good thing or even an inconsequential thing.  It won't lead to mass disasters and the death of many humans and even more animals as the Post article predicts.

Here's something that the reporter might have wanted to consider.  In the 1940s to the 1960s, the USA conducted 105 nuclear tests either in the air over the Pacific or under the water of the ocean itself.  Somehow the world survived.  After the Test Ban treaty was signed in the 1960s, the USA stopped atmospheric tests, but France continued them.  The French conducted their tests over the Pacific Ocean.  That was another batch of bomb blasts that the world survived.

I think it's safe to say that while it would be better if the North Koreans did not conduct Pacific testing, it is not the end of the world if they do.  Maybe someone could tell the New York Post.

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