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Tuesday, September 12, 2017

What Happened? Seems Everyone Knows But Hillary

Hillary Clinton's latest book tour for her novel "What Happened"  should really be called the "It Wasn't Me Tour".  Today, Hillary announced she is "convinced" that the Trump campaign colluded with Russia.  She has no evidence of that, but she's "convinced" nevertheless.  In just the last week, Hillary has blamed Jim Comey, the FBI, president Obama, Joe Biden and Bernie Sanders for her loss.  Next week's schedule calls for her to blame Nancy Pelosi, Stephen Colbert and the Volunteer Fire Department of Schwenksville, Pennsylvania. 

The funny thing is that Hillary blames everyone but herself.  Even after ten months, Hillary still can't bring herself to accept the truth:  she lost because she was a crummy candidate.  She had no plans, no vision for America and no reason to vote for her other than it was her turn.  She ran against a bizarre candidate who was constantly under attack from the media and who did things that would have sunk anyone with a real opponent.  When the Billy Bush video came out, it should have been the end of him.  He was saved, however, because he alone provided a vision for where he wanted to take America and its people.  It's hard to argue with wanting to make America great again.  Hillary certainly couldn't beat that with "it's my turn" position.  And when the video made Trump look sleazy and, at a minimum, unpresidential, he was saved because the alternative was Hillary who America understood to be a dishonest and untrustworthy crook who seemed to only care about herself.  Does one vote for Trump with all his faults or for the woman who calls you a deplorable racist, sexist etc.?  Only Hillary could have lost at that point.

We also learned yesterday that even though Hillary's book just went on sale this week, it has already been put on clearance sale by the biggest book sellers in the country.  For all the media hype, relatively no one is buying.  No doubt, Hillary will tell us soon that the Russians arranged for no one to buy the book. 

Can't she just go away?

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