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Saturday, September 30, 2017

Michelle Obama Should Know Better

Earlier this week, Michelle Obama demonstrated that she doesn't always think things through.

Obama spoke at a conference and told those assembled that "any woman who voted against Hillary Clinton voted against their (sic) own voice."  She went on to say that those woman who voted for the man (Trump) were only choosing the thing they were told to chose rather than listening to their own voice.

Think about that.  Michelle Obama sounds much like Hillary Clinton on this point.  Women who voted for the man rather than Hillary were being ruled by the husbands or boyfriends rather than following their woman's voice.  Somehow, Michelle seems to have forgotten 2008 when a great many women voted for the man (Barack Obama) rather than Hillary Clinton.  It seems that those women too were ignoring their own voice -- in Michelle's parlance.

The truth is that it's ridiculous for someone like Michelle Obama who spent a year campaigning against Hillary in 2007 and 2008 to suddenly proclaim that a woman who voted for a man rather than Hillary is a victim of sexism.  Does she assume that women are morons or that they have no memories? 

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