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Sunday, August 22, 2010

Behind the mask of hypocracy

During the 1930's, the Democrat party announced itself to be the party of the common man against the plutocrats of Big Business. Democrats saiud that they represented the poor and the middle class whose voices were not heard by the system. over the years, this self description of the Democrats has remained in place. Rich people were Republicans, we were told, but those of modest means had their champions among the Democrats. And this was not just a theme of the party; the media bought into it without reservation. Even once the Republicans returned to pre-eminence, at least in presidential politics, the Democrats theme remained the same. I remember reading countless stories about rich folks who backed Richard Nixon or Ronald Reagan, but very few similar ones about Carter or Clinton. George W. Bush, of course, was the purported representative of Texas oil millionaires and other big oil interests.

The time has come, however, for this story line to be put to death once and for all. The Democrats have made clear that they not only do not champion the common man, they have contempt for the views of such people. Just look at the record. Obamacare was opposed by large majorities of common people. The only big pockets of support for that bill came from big phama that made a deal with Obama to support it, the insurance companies who made similar deals, and the true believing leftist base of the Democrats. Despite the strong opposition from those who they profess to represent, the Democrats passed it anyway, and, in addition, attacked those who opposed it a racists, know nothings and homophobes. Or look at the Ground Zero mosque. The large majority of the American people clearly do not want it built. so what is the Democrat response? Not an attempt to convince the folks of the projects merits, but an attack on those who oppose it. They are bigots and haters who seek to undermine the Constitution. Pelosi even wants to investigate them for unamerican activities. So the supposed beneficiary of the Democrats wants no part of the mosque and the Democrats attack them in response.

This kind of thing happens all too frequently with the Democrats. They are simply unprepared to listen to the desires of the American people; the Democrats are sure that they know better. The Democrats have a nucleus of highly paid government employees, university professors, Hollywood liberals and the like (also known as reich folks) who are certain that they and only they know what is good for America. Imagine the temerity of those common folks in fly-over states who are expressing views in opposition to these Democrat opinion leaders. why they must be bigots, racists, and whatever vile accusation can be ginned up next. Democrats do not seem to care one bit about the opinions of the common folk except during elections when they pretend to listen. In between election campaigns, the Democrats govern more like autocrats than democrats.

The last two years have been the first time that there has been a sufficiently large and free portion of the press to disclose the hypocracy of the Dems. Hopefully, come November, the Democrats will reap what they sow. They can have the votes of their ruling elites. It is the votes of the common folks that I hope go for the Republicans. At that point, it will be up to the Republicans to weild power honestly and properly, in harmony with the folks and not in opposition.

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