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Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Will Obama take sides?

There is a dispute raging in Getysburg Pennsylvania about the merits of building a casino not far from the edge of the site of the famous battle of 1863. Proponents of the casino talk about the jobs and economic development it will bring, while opponents talk about the propriety of locating a casino right next to the site of the most important battle of the Civil War. In keeping with his views on the Ground Zero Mosque, Obama should come out in favor of constructing the casino. After all, the developer has rights to use his property as he sees fit. I assume that Obama will see those opposed to the development as trampling the Constitutional rights of the developers.

Don't hold your breath waiting for Obama to weigh in. After all, the developer of the casino in Gettysburg has no claim to victim status like the Muslims who want to put the mosque at ground zero. That alone would keep Obama from mixing in. Besides, were Obama to get involved with this dispute, he would have to acknowledge that people can oppose the construction of a building (here casino) which they believe does not comport with the necessary dignity and purity of the site where it is being built.

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