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Friday, October 1, 2010

Let’s not get distracted

It is only four and a half weeks until election day. In many parts of the country, early voting will soon begin. Right now, the Democrats seem to want to talk about anything other than their record. They want to avoid reviewing what they have done to the economy. They want to ignore their most recent feat of leaving Washington without even considering what to do with tax rates for next year. That failure alone leaves uncertainty for anyone who runs a business, particularly a small business that might be severely affected by tax changes. So, in short, the Democrats’ failure to act means fewer jobs will be created in the next few months. Of course, it seems clear that Democrats in Washington do not really care about jobs for Americans other than themselves. Indeed, the only way that Americans are going to improve their own chances of getting jobs is to make sure that the Democrats in Washington lose theirs.
In this next month, let’s not lose focus. Each person needs to do whatever he or she can to see to it that the Democrats like Reid and Pelosi are bounced from power in Washington.

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