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Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Eliott Spitzer is Actually Funny

I remember the days when Elliot Spitzer was Attorney General of New York and then Governor of the state.  He was always angry and strident.  Everyone was either a friend or an enemy; there were no innocent bystanders.  He was anything but humorous.  That appears to have changed now that Spitzer is running for office again, this time as Comptroller of New York City.  Yesterday, Spitzer announced that Anthony Weiner was unfit to be mayor of the city and that he should leave the race.  Really?  REALLY?  Think about that.  Spitzer, as governor, used state money to travel to visit hookers all over the east coast.  He actually cheated on his wife, illegally used tax funds to attend his trysts and thought he could keep his "activities" a secret.  All that Weiner has done is to send lewd emails and text messages.  Without a doubt, Weiner is unfit to be mayor.  He clearly is delusional to think that all this stuff would not come out.  But what Spitzer did was much, much worse.  He actually slept with hookers and used public money to do so.  Hearing Spitzer condemn Weiner is a joke.  Indeed, it is probably the only funny thing that Spitzer has ever said.


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