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Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Say Anything

Did you know that construction of the Keystone XL Pipeline will drive up gasoline prices in the USA?  No, really....stop laughing.  According to the Daily Caller, that bit of nonsense is the latest charge being thrown against approval of the pipeline by a group called Consumer Watchdog.  They even wrote a report with the claim so that the media can tell us that "some experts say that the Keystone Pipeline will drive up gasoline prices."

Of course, the report and the claim are just plain ridiculous.  If Keystone gets built, there will be an additional 850,000 barrels of oil per day coming on the market in the USA.  That is a huge increase and it will drive the price of oil and gasoline in America DOWN not up.

I have to wonder though if Consumer Watchdog and its main backer, billionaire Tom Steyer are moronic enough to believe this claim or if the two are out there just spreading a story and hoping that some folks are gullible enough to believe it.

It never fails to amaze me when I see some of the phony charges that get thrown around to support "environmentalist" positions.  My favorite is that fracking contaminates ground water.  Of course, even the Obama EPA has investigated that charge three times and three times concluded that there is no merit to it.  But what about those movies that show people lighting their tap water on fire?  The answer is that the fire is due to methane in the water, methane that comes from seams of coal that are just underground in the affected areas.  The methane has nothing to do with the fracking, but the environmental hysterics run with this charge even though it has been disproved repeatedly.

Sadly, these kinds of crazy charges diminish the force of valid environmental arguments.  The fools are undermining their own goals.


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