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Thursday, July 25, 2013

The Ultimate Response

This evening, I happened to see Special Report on Fox News.  They showed what can only be described as the ultimate response to the current White House scheme to denounce the "phony scandals" that have occupied the attention of the country.  There was a piece of an interview with the mother of Sean Smith, a State Department employee who was killed in the attack on the American embassy in Benghazi.  In two sentences, Patricia Smith showed president Obama and the White House staff for the liars that they are.  Here is what she said:

"My son is dead.  How could that be phony?"

Mrs. Smith went on to say that she is still waiting to be told what happened in Benghazi, why there was no security in place despite requests for it, and who ordered the soldiers who were prepared to go to rescue those under attack to stand down.

Obama should be ashamed to try to diminish the memories of those who were killed in Benghazi by calling it a phony scandal.  And as for the IRS targeting of conservatives, Christians, Jews and pro-life groups, Obama himself previously said that the conduct at the IRS was outrageous and that he would get to the bottom of it.  That is hardly a phony scandal.

As Obama's poll numbers sink closer and closer to the dreaded 40% approval rating, he is getting desperate.  Still, calling the scandals phony will not help.  It just makes Obama look foolish.



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