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Thursday, July 25, 2013

The New Terror Plan

There is new evidence today that the terror groups like al Qaeda, Hamas and Hezbollah have adopted a new strategy in attacking the West:  they now are recruiting citizens of Western countries to carry out the attacks.  Let's look at the evidence:

Back in 2001, the men who carried out the 9-11 attacks were all foreign nationals, mostly Saudis.  Similarly, the failed attempts to attack American targets in the USA were undertaken by foreigners for nearly a decade after that.  Then came the Times Square attempted bombing which was the work of an American Moslem from Connecticut.  Major Hassan shot up Fort Hood at about the same time, so we had another big terror attack from a US Moslem.  There were more attempts by home grown terrorists which culminated in the Boston Marathon bombing by two local Moslem brothers, one of whom was a US citizen and the other a permanent resident.

Yesterday, Bulgaria disclosed that the two men who were instrumental in the terror bombing last year in Burgas were a Canadian and an Australian.  Both were Moslems.

What all this means is that the terror groups are now fully committed to using local Moslems to actually carry out their attacks in the West. 


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